So, you used the VLFeat SIFT successfuly in Matlab but you need to use the library with C++ and you can't find the functions reference nor a tutorial? Well I have been there, done that and sharing the code for integrating VLFeat's SIFT with OpenCV.
Actually I harvest the below code from the 'Toolbox' folder of VLFeat, from the source of the dot mex files. With minor modification the ' VLSIFT' function takes an OpenCV IplImage (grayscale) and returns pointers to the frames and descriptors found as well as the number of the frames. I removed the selection for exporting the descriptors in double; they always be exported as the vl_uint8 datatype.
Concecuently the next function will compute matches between to pictures using the matlab's 'vl_ubcmatch' function transformed for C++. Again I harvest this from the source of the .mex file. I deleted the macros used to choose between datatypes, because I use the vl_uint8 type for my descriptors (I think is the vl's default). So if you want to use a different datatype, don'd forget to change this.
Finally call the functions in the main. Optionally plot the image with the found frames overlapped using OpenCV.
Sorry for the extra spaces in the code. I'm still familiarizing with the syntaxhighlighter..
Actually I harvest the below code from the 'Toolbox' folder of VLFeat, from the source of the dot mex files. With minor modification the ' VLSIFT' function takes an OpenCV IplImage (grayscale) and returns pointers to the frames and descriptors found as well as the number of the frames. I removed the selection for exporting the descriptors in double; they always be exported as the vl_uint8 datatype.
void VLSIFT(IplImage* image, vl_uint8* DATAdescr, double* DATAframes, int* nframes){
//Take IplImage -> convert to SINGLE (float):
float* frame = (float*)malloc(image->height*image->width*sizeof(float));
uchar* Ldata = (uchar *)image->imageData;
for(int i=0;i<image->height;i )
for(int j=0;j<image->width;j )
frame[j*image->height i*image->nChannels] = (float)Ldata[i*image->widthStep j*image->nChannels];
// VL SIFT computation:
vl_sift_pix const *data ;
int M, N ;
data = (vl_sift_pix*)frame;
M = image->height;
N = image->width;
int verbose = 1 ; // change to 2 for more verbose..
int O = -1 ; //Octaves
int S = 3 ; //Levels
int o_min = 0 ;
double edge_thresh = -1 ; //-1 will use the default (as in matlab)
double peak_thresh = -1 ;
double norm_thresh = -1 ;
double magnif = -1 ;
double window_size = -1 ;
double *ikeys = 0 ; //?
int nikeys = -1 ; //?
vl_bool force_orientations = 0 ;
vl_bool floatDescriptors = 0 ;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Do job
* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
VlSiftFilt *filt ;
vl_bool first ;
double *frames = 0 ;
vl_uint8 *descr = 0 ;
int reserved = 0, i,j,q ;
/* create a filter to process the image */
filt = vl_sift_new (M, N, O, S, o_min) ;
if (peak_thresh >= 0) vl_sift_set_peak_thresh (filt, peak_thresh) ;
if (edge_thresh >= 0) vl_sift_set_edge_thresh (filt, edge_thresh) ;
if (norm_thresh >= 0) vl_sift_set_norm_thresh (filt, norm_thresh) ;
if (magnif >= 0) vl_sift_set_magnif (filt, magnif) ;
if (window_size >= 0) vl_sift_set_window_size (filt, window_size) ;
if (verbose) {
printf("vl_sift: filter settings:\n") ;
printf("vl_sift: octaves (O) = %d\n",
vl_sift_get_noctaves (filt)) ;
printf("vl_sift: levels (S) = %d\n",
vl_sift_get_nlevels (filt)) ;
printf("vl_sift: first octave (o_min) = %d\n",
vl_sift_get_octave_first (filt)) ;
printf("vl_sift: edge thresh = %g\n",
vl_sift_get_edge_thresh (filt)) ;
printf("vl_sift: peak thresh = %g\n",
vl_sift_get_peak_thresh (filt)) ;
printf("vl_sift: norm thresh = %g\n",
vl_sift_get_norm_thresh (filt)) ;
printf("vl_sift: window size = %g\n",
vl_sift_get_window_size (filt)) ;
printf("vl_sift: float descriptor = %d\n",
floatDescriptors) ;
printf((nikeys >= 0) ?
"vl_sift: will source frames? yes (%d read)\n" :
"vl_sift: will source frames? no\n", nikeys) ;
printf("vl_sift: will force orientations? %s\n",
force_orientations ? "yes" : "no") ;
/* ...............................................................
* Process each octave
* ............................................................ */
i = 0 ;
first = 1 ;
while (1) {
int err ;
VlSiftKeypoint const *keys = 0 ;
int nkeys = 0 ;
if (verbose) {
printf ("vl_sift: processing octave %d\n",
vl_sift_get_octave_index (filt)) ;
/* Calculate the GSS for the next octave .................... */
if (first) {
err = vl_sift_process_first_octave (filt, data) ;
first = 0 ;
} else {
err = vl_sift_process_next_octave (filt) ;
if (err) break ;
if (verbose > 1) {
printf("vl_sift: GSS octave %d computed\n",
vl_sift_get_octave_index (filt));
/* Run detector ............................................. */
if (nikeys < 0) {
vl_sift_detect (filt) ;
keys = vl_sift_get_keypoints (filt) ;
nkeys = vl_sift_get_nkeypoints (filt) ;
i = 0 ;
if (verbose > 1) {
printf ("vl_sift: detected %d (unoriented) keypoints\n", nkeys) ;
} else {
nkeys = nikeys ;
/* For each keypoint ........................................ */
for (; i < nkeys ; i) {
double angles [4] ;
int nangles ;
VlSiftKeypoint ik ;
VlSiftKeypoint const *k ;
/* Obtain keypoint orientations ........................... */
if (nikeys >= 0) {
vl_sift_keypoint_init (filt, &ik,
ikeys [4 * i 1] - 1,
ikeys [4 * i 0] - 1,
ikeys [4 * i 2]) ;
if (ik.o != vl_sift_get_octave_index (filt)) {
break ;
k = &ik ;
/* optionally compute orientations too */
if (force_orientations) {
nangles = vl_sift_calc_keypoint_orientations
(filt, angles, k) ;
} else {
angles [0] = VL_PI / 2 - ikeys [4 * i 3] ;
nangles = 1 ;
} else {
k = keys i ;
nangles = vl_sift_calc_keypoint_orientations
(filt, angles, k) ;
/* For each orientation ................................... */
for (q = 0 ; q < nangles ; q) {
vl_sift_pix buf [128] ;
vl_sift_pix rbuf [128] ;
/* compute descriptor (if necessary) */
vl_sift_calc_keypoint_descriptor (filt, buf, k, angles [q]) ;
transpose_descriptor (rbuf, buf) ;
/* make enough room for all these keypoints and more */
if (reserved < (*nframes) 1) {
reserved = 2 * nkeys ;
frames = (double*)realloc (frames, 4 * sizeof(double) * reserved) ;
descr = (vl_uint8*)realloc (descr, 128 * sizeof(vl_uint8) * reserved) ;
/* Save back with MATLAB conventions. Notice tha the input
* image was the transpose of the actual image. */
frames [4 * (*nframes) 0] = k -> y ;
frames [4 * (*nframes) 1] = k -> x ;
frames [4 * (*nframes) 2] = k -> sigma ;
frames [4 * (*nframes) 3] = VL_PI / 2 - angles [q] ;
for (j = 0 ; j < 128 ; j) {
float x = 512.0F * rbuf [j] ;
x = (x < 255.0F) ? x : 255.0F ;
descr[128 * (*nframes) j] = (vl_uint8)x ;
(*nframes) ;
} /* next orientation */
} /* next keypoint */
} /* next octave */
if (verbose) {
printf ("vl_sift: found %d keypoints\n", (*nframes)) ;
// save variables:
memcpy(DATAframes, frames, 4 * (*nframes ) * sizeof(double));
memcpy(DATAdescr, descr, 128 * (*nframes ) * sizeof(vl_uint8));
/* cleanup */
vl_sift_delete (filt) ;
} /* end: do job */
Concecuently the next function will compute matches between to pictures using the matlab's 'vl_ubcmatch' function transformed for C++. Again I harvest this from the source of the .mex file. I deleted the macros used to choose between datatypes, because I use the vl_uint8 type for my descriptors (I think is the vl's default). So if you want to use a different datatype, don'd forget to change this.
void VLMATCH(vl_uint8* L1_pt,vl_uint8* L2_pt, int K1, int K2, double thresh, int* nMatches, double* MATCHES ){
//Match descriptors!
int ND = 128;
Pair* pairs_begin = (Pair*) malloc(sizeof(Pair) * (K1 K2)) ;
Pair* pairs_iterator = pairs_begin ;
int k1, k2 ;
const int maxval = 0x7fffffff ;
for(k1 = 0 ; k1 < K1 ; k1, L1_pt = ND ) { //kalooo!
int best = maxval ;
int second_best = maxval ;
int bestk = -1 ;
/* For each point P2[k2] in the second image... */
for(k2 = 0 ; k2 < K2 ; k2, L2_pt = ND) {
int bin ;
int acc = 0 ;
for(bin = 0 ; bin < ND ; bin) {
int delta =
((int) L1_pt[bin]) -
((int) L2_pt[bin]) ;
acc = delta*delta ;
/* Filter the best and second best matching point. */
if(acc < best) {
second_best = best ;
best = acc ;
bestk = k2 ;
} else if(acc < second_best) {
second_best = acc ;
L2_pt -= ND*K2 ;
/* Lowe's method: accept the match only if unique. */
if(thresh * (float) best < (float) second_best &&
bestk != -1) {
pairs_iterator->k1 = k1 ;
pairs_iterator->k2 = bestk ;
pairs_iterator->score = best ;
pairs_iterator ;
(*nMatches) ;
Pair* pairs_end = pairs_iterator ;
//double* M_pt = (double*)calloc((pairs_end-pairs_begin)*2,sizeof(double));
double* M_pt = (double*)calloc((*nMatches)*2,sizeof(double));
//double* M_start = M_pt;
for(pairs_iterator = pairs_begin ;
pairs_iterator < pairs_end ;
pairs_iterator) {
*M_pt = pairs_iterator->k1 ;
*M_pt = pairs_iterator->k2 ;
M_pt -= (*nMatches)*2 ;
memcpy(MATCHES,M_pt,(*nMatches) * 2 * sizeof(double));
free(pairs_begin) ;
Finally call the functions in the main. Optionally plot the image with the found frames overlapped using OpenCV.
typedef unsigned char uchar;
int main()
// Load template image:
IplImage* Timage = cvLoadImage("T.png",0);
double* TFrames = (double*)calloc ( 4 * 10000, sizeof(double) ) ;
vl_uint8* TDescr = (vl_uint8*)calloc ( 128 * 10000, sizeof(vl_uint8) ) ;
int Tnframes = 0;
VLSIFT(Timage, TDescr, TFrames, &Tnframes);
TFrames = (double*)realloc (TFrames, 4 * sizeof(double) * Tnframes) ; // = Y X Scale Angle
TDescr = (vl_uint8*)realloc (TDescr, 128 * sizeof(vl_uint8) * Tnframes) ;
for(int i=0;i<Tnframes;i ){
cvPoint(TFrames[0 i*4], TFrames[1 i*4]), TFrames[2 i*4],
cvScalar(255, 0, 0, 0),
1, 8, 0);
cvShowImage("FrameT", Timage);
Sorry for the extra spaces in the code. I'm still familiarizing with the syntaxhighlighter..
Can you please first tell me how to set up VLfeat for use in OpenCV?
I got following error while trying to run this code error:
siftTest.cpp:1: error: variable or field ‘VLSIFT’ declared void
siftTest.cpp:1: error: ‘IplImage’ was not declared in this scope
siftTest.cpp:1: error: ‘image’ was not declared in this scope
siftTest.cpp:1: error: ‘vl_uint8’ was not declared in this scope
siftTest.cpp:1: error: ‘DATAdescr’ was not declared in this scope
siftTest.cpp:1: error: expected primary-expression before ‘double’
siftTest.cpp:1: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’
Hello and sorry for the delay. After setting up the OpenCV as described here ( and creating your openCV project, you must add to project's additional include directories the 'vlfeat-version' folder (replace version with your vlfeat version ex C:\Libraries\vlfeat-0.9.14) containing the 'bin', 'doc', 'src', etc and under linker, add the library directory 'vlfeat-version/bin/arch' (ex C:\Libraries\vlfeat-0.9.14\bin\win64). Finally in Linker>Input, add vl.lib.
Use the code provided here:
it should compile just fine. It loads a template image and a query one and computes the matches given a threshold.
Don't forget to add in the same folder as your executable program all the necessary openCV .dlls and the appropriate vl.dll (found inside your vlfeat-/bin/ directory).
Thank you very much for the great work. However, it seems that the VLMATCH function run much slower than vl_ubcmatch in Matlab (about five time). What might be the reason?
Thanks, Steve! Your adaptation of SIFT form vlfeat toolbox to OpenCV works great. I was similarly trying to import Vlfeat covariace detector to OpenCV. I have added below its code snippet. But the number of features detected are zero. Please let me know, what should be corrected.
VlCovDet * covdet = vl_covdet_new(VL_COVDET_METHOD_HESSIAN_LAPLACE);
//set parameters
vl_covdet_set_peak_threshold(covdet, 0.1) ;
vl_covdet_set_edge_threshold(covdet, 1) ;
// process the image and run the detector
vl_covdet_put_image(covdet, ImageData, Image->height, Image->width) ;
vl_covdet_detect(covdet) ;
// get feature frames back
vl_size numFeatures = vl_covdet_get_num_features(covdet) ;
VlCovDetFeature const * feature = (VlCovDetFeature*)vl_covdet_get_features(covdet) ;
for (int i=0;i<numFeatures;i++)
float x = feature[i].frame.x;
float y = feature[i].frame.y;
float sigma = 2;//
std::cout << x << "\t" << y << std::endl;
cvDrawCircle(Image, cvPoint(x,y), sigma/2, CV_RGB( 255,255,255));
Hi steve and thanks for your code! But i don t understand the left curly bracket after the comment "do job", what it refers to?
It doesn't work for me... it crashes inside VLSIFT function at
frame[j*image->height + i*image->nChannels] = (float)Ldata[i*image->widthStep + j*image->nChannels];
Hi Steve, i have a dubt about your code... when you create a "frame" you put four information in this order [y,x,scale,angle] but when you use the cvPoint constructor which requires (x,y) you do cvPoint(TFrames[0 i*4], TFrames[1 i*4])
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